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AV-Display has Successfully Conducted the International Sales Meeting


AV-Display has recently successfully conducted our international sales meeting with the theme “Display Excellence, Display Difference”. The slogan means that we are using our experience and innovative skills to provide the electronics market with excellent display solutions and helping our customers to create valuable products that will make a difference.

At the meeting, we presented to the audience our latest product developments and the future roadmap. We appreciated hearing our sales partners presenting how they see the market trends and requirements, which will inspire us all to be prepared for future challenges.

AVD will continue to be a flexible and reliable display manufacturer, who can maintain the continuous and stable supply chain to our customers, who are scattered around the world.We are welcoming the Global never-ending changes & challenges; we look at them as opportunities where we can be the reliable and trustworthy partner for our customers.

About AV-Display

Has since 2004 been designing, developing and manufacturing LCD display solutions for the electronic industrial market. Our products portfolio covers TFT, CTP - Capacitive Touch Panels, monochrome LCD Panels and Modules, Shutters and Display Controller Boards, which are made in our two factories in Ganzhou and Shenzhen.


We have approximately 2,000 employes and together with our partners, we support our customers scattered around the world and we are dedicated to remain as one of the leading display solutions companies within the industry.